Kagadi District Education Department has disseminated information on Teacher Effectiveness and Learner Achievement (TELA) system.
The dissemination meeting that brought together proprietors and headteachers of private schools and certificate-awarding institutions of Kagadi District too place on 8th May, 2023 at Kagadi Model Primary School, Kagadi Town Council, Kagadi District.
In his opening remarks, the Senior Inspector of Schools Mr. Alinda Julius (Omukwenda) said that the purpose of the meeting was to create awareness and alignment as far the TELA project is concerned.
He added that TELA is for both government and private schools because they all have the same performance indicators.
The teacher is only effective if we see learners achieving their goals. I am therefore not requesting you to be part of the system; I am encouraging you to be part of TELA.
Said Alinda.

He alerted private institutions that the Kagadi District education department will only recognize schools that have accepted to implement TELA. He pointed out that it is the responsibility of every private school and certificate-awarding institution to buy a smartphone that will be installed with the TELA application.
Your responsibility is to ensure that you buy a smartphone as recommended by the Uganda Communication Commission. The Ministry of Education and Sports will provide each private institution with the TELA application, its license and technical support.
He added.
The TELA District Project Assistant Mr. Mwinganiza Godfrey said that the main purpose of the TELA system is to capture evidence-based information for quick and easy decision-making by providing instant reports.
He advised proprietors to buy the recommended smartphones including TECNO Spark 8C, 8P, and 9T. He also advised schools to submit their staff data via the link www.uploads.telaschool.org.
Speaking on behalf of Private Schools Headteachers, the Chairperson for Kagadi district Private Schools’ headteacher Mr. Geoffrey Ddamulira said that private institutions are ready to implement the TELA system as it will boost the performance of their schools.
The government of Uganda through the Ministry of Education and Sport (MoES) contracted Planet System to develop the Teacher Effectiveness and Learner Achievement (TELA) system. TELA is a performance management tool that uses a smartphone with GPS and biometric features to capture evidence-based information for quick follow-up and decision-making. TELA (Teacher Effectiveness and Learner Achievement (TELA) system is a performance management platform that is designed to monitor Teacher, Headteacher, and Learner attendance at schools and Institutions in Uganda. It is a monitoring tool that captures real-time evidence-based information for quick follow-up and decision-making.